1. We have a Mission.
Chapel Ridge is a ministry of New Chapel – which is a church “on mission.” There’s a mission that Jesus sent His church (and it’s ministries) to fulfill. Chapel Ridge does not need “a mission,” rather “The Mission” needs Chapel Ridge. Chapel Ridge is all about the, “Great Commission” given by Jesus Christ.
“Go into all the world and preach the Good News…”
Mark 16:15
2. The Mission gives us Purpose.
New Chapel has a significant way to articulate the God-given purpose for our church:
We’re for people to connect with God and to be raised to new life in Christ.
Therefore, Chapel Ridge articulates the God-given purpose for it’s ministry:
We're for kids to connect with God
and to be raised to new life in Christ.
3. The Purpose lends us Focus.
Chapel Ridge is focused on providing nurturing relationships and high-quality learning in a Christ-Centered, Life-Giving environment which earns the trust of both the families we love and the children we serve.
4. The Focus is guided with Philosophy.
A. We’re Christ-Centered.
Chapel Ridge is a true partnership between parents and the church - the only two institutions ordained by God to teach children.
Learning experiences are taught from the Christian perspective. Each child is a child of God and all people are deserving of respect as being in the image of God. In accordance with this philosophy, we include prayer, worship, Bible stories, teaching, and being of service to others as part of our curriculum.
B. We develop the “Whole Child.”
God’s plan for developing Children is shown through our “Whole Child” Philosophy in education. God is interested in development of our Spirit, Soul, Mind and Body – The Whole Person/ Whole Child. This Philosophy is realized through Spiritual, Intellectual, Physical and Social/Emotional Development as well as our Purpose-Driven Goals.
C. We’re called to walk alongside parents.
We collaborate with families to support the development of the child and facilitate home-school relationships. Assessment of children will be on-going, reflective of children's experiences, and occur within the context of daily classroom activities. We meet regularly with parents, share child assessments and communicate daily to help facilitate a healthy, strong bond between our team and your family.
D. We “learn hard” & we (purposefully) “play hard.”
Young children learn most effectively when they have the opportunity to explore their environment and experience a variety of materials and situations while they play. Through the process of their efforts, in a safe environment, quality education is realized.
We call this “Purposeful Play”
Children should be guided toward purposeful actives (both quiet and active) to enhance their skills in every area of development. |
Quiet Puzzles Manipulatives Books Computer Rice Table Water Table Art Projects & Art Materials | Active Dramatic Play Centers Balls Jump Ropes Bean Bags Slides Blocks Interactive Toys |
E. Kids grow in steps and spurts.
Chapel Ridge fosters both proactive development, as well as reactive coaching. Children often develop at different rates - that progress is cultivated, measured, and reported to parents (both individually and in-kind with other children in their age range).
We also give place for the needed teacher-directed and child-initiated activities
Teacher-directed Music & Movement Stories Calendar Weather Show & Tell Jesus Time &Worship Snack and Meals Large Muscle Group Games Craft Projects Social & Emotional Learning | Child-initiated Dramatic Play Blocks Manipulatives Books Sensory Table Language Arts Math Materials Puzzles Creative Art Materials Discovery Center (science) |
5. The Focus is toward a Goal.
A. Spiritual Goals:
Chapel Ridge invests in children to become spiritually alive.
Children who Know God as creator and comforter.
Children who Find Freedom in God’s Ways.
Children who are Discovering their God-Given Purpose.
Children who prepare to, and indeed do Make a Difference.
B. Intellectual Developmental Goals:
Chapel Ridge invests in children for cognitive development.
Children who express themselves in many ways.
Children who are independent.
Children who have a love for reading, writing, and books.
Children who are curious about the sciences.
Children who ask questions and seek to solve problems
C. Physical Developmental Goals:
Chapel Ridge invests in children to be healthy and growing as God designed them.
Children who are healthy and physically coordinated.
Children who are curious and who want to physically explore their environment.
D. Social Goals:
Chapel Ridge invests in children to be socially adept.
Children will gain an understanding of their community by exploring people, their work, and their services.
Children who can use language to communicate with others.
Children will can identify their own emotions.
Children who can regulate strong emotions in socially appropriate ways.
Children who begin to identify the emotions of others.
Children who choose to be of service to others.
E. Purpose-Driven Goals:
Chapel Ridge invests in children to believe that they can make a difference in their world with the definite purpose God gave them.
Children who have a positive self-concept.
Children will begin to identify their giftings.